Is My Baby Hungry? Or Overstimulated?

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Is My baby Hungry or Overstimulated?

It can be difficult to tell the difference between a hungry baby and an overstimulated baby!

Newborns get overstimulated quickly because their nervous system is immature. They can not process all of the signals of everyday life, so they get overwhelmed.

Here are the Signs of Overstimulation and Hunger in Babies

Overstimulation is a condition where baby becomes overloaded because of sensation, sound, and stimulation. Baby can't process all of the experiences and often becomes fussy. Crying and meltdowns are common in overstimulated babies.

It is very difficult to feed a hungry, overstimulated baby, because many times they are inconsolable and crying.

They need to calm down and relax!

Signs of Overstimulation

  • Rubs eyes
  • Opens and closes toes and fingers
  • Spacing out (looking dazed)
  • Stiffens body instead of relaxing
  • Covers face with hands or blanket
  • Disengagement (turning head and looking away)

Signs Baby is Hungry

  • Licking and smacking lips
  • Moving head from side to side (Rooting)
  • Opening and closing mouth
  • Sticking tongue out
  • Sucking on hands, lips, fingers

Is Baby Overstimulated? TRY THIS

  • Hold baby close
  • Wear baby in a baby carrier
  • Take baby to a dim room
  • Feed baby
  • Minimize activity
  • Speak softly
Avoid Overstimulation and Crying with These Tips
Baby Hungry,  Overstimulated Baby

Watch Out and Prepare for Warning Signs

If your baby is getting overstimulated, there will be warning signs. Too much fun can cause overstimulation, day or night!

If you are out and about, bring a light blanket, a change of clothes, and remember to set healthy boundaries. It's ok to let family and friends hold baby, but teach them about the warning signs of overstimulation and hunger!

It's ok feed baby or take a break!

Breaks are useful for avoiding overstimulation! It's ok to take baby back from friends and family if they are getting hungry or need to rest.

Sometimes setting healthy boundaries is difficult, but remember: You are the parent! You know best!

Baby Overstimulated, is baby hungry

Hire a Postpartum Doula!

Postpartum doulas can help you navigate the difference between hunger cues and overstimulation cues. We are also helpful with enforcing healthy boundaries with friends and family. We have no problem being assertive with them! Let us be the bad guys!

Is Baby Crying? Do You Need ?

Help After Baby is Born

Postpartum Doulas help with infant care and feeding. We even provide overnight care for newborns, so that you can get sleep! Adults are also susceptible to overstimulation and exhaustion! We can help the both of you!

MOST IMPORTANTLY: Trust your instinct! You know best! You are the best judge of your baby's needs, and can soothe and calm baby better than anyone!

If you need help navigating infant care, sleep with a baby, or infant feeding (Including both breast and bottle feeding,) contact us! We are infant care and feeding specialists, and can help you find a routine and care plan that works best for your family!

Book a Free Consultation to Find Out How a Postpartum Doula Can Change your Life!

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