How Can Massage Help With My Issue?

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How Can Massage Help With Common Issues: Diastasis Recti, Surgical/ Cesarean Scars, Painful Epidural Sites, Nerve Pain. Alleviate common issues like sciatica, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, inflammation.

We are often asked how massage therapy can alleviate common issues. Unfortunately, the answer is complex and varies from person to person. The degree and severity of your pain,  how it was caused,  the amount of time you have had it all affect treatment.

Our massage therapists have studied neuromuscular therapy extensively. We work with your nerves, mechanoreceptors, and connective tissues to draw attention to areas that are not functioning properly. If the body realizes that something is dysfunctional it will heal itself!

The Healing Process

It is just that: a process.

Results are not typical for everyone. You may see an incredible change in your body after a treatment, but treatment is what you make it. Following up with treatment, exercise, and stretches will help you get the most out of your therapy. By doing this you are taking a proactive approach to your care and healing!

Typically, a consult for a client experiencing any of these common problems consists of hands-on treatment (neuromuscular massage), suggestions for stretches and exercises to help resolve the issue, and kinesiology taping (if needed) to provide a more long term neuromuscular stimulus and to prolong the success and healing of the treatment.

After your consultation, we will schedule a follow-up visit for you 7-10 days after the initial treatment. This visit is to reassess your initial complaint. Many times the issue is resolved or well on its way to healing by this time! If we come across an issue that is out of our scope, we will refer to our community to physical therapists, chiropractors, and doctors! Our goal is health and wellness. We want you to feel your best, and will do everything we can to make sure that happens!

Contact Us

Contact us to make a reservation to visit our clinic in Oklahoma City. We make outcalls for in-home massage therapy clients in Oklahoma City. Massage is meant to complement, not replace your medical treatments.  Continue to consult your medical doctor. Have questions? Call us at 262-75-DOULA(36853)